0% Maida – Vedic Vatica https://vedicvatica.org Serving Nature | Serving Mankind Tue, 12 Sep 2023 05:06:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://vedicvatica.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/vvpl-logo-300x175-1-100x100.jpg 0% Maida – Vedic Vatica https://vedicvatica.org 32 32 Buckwheat Pasta Macroni (with Suji, 0% Maida) 200g https://vedicvatica.org/product/buckwheat-macroni-200g/ https://vedicvatica.org/product/buckwheat-macroni-200g/#respond Tue, 12 Sep 2023 05:03:21 +0000 https://vedicvatica.org/?post_type=product&p=980
  • Heart and Digestive Health: Buckwheat supports heart and aids digestion.
  • Takes 30% Less cooking Time Made with Love by Tribal SHG Women of Jashpur District
  • Wholesome Blend: 30% buckwheat, 70% suji โ€“ no maida, just pure goodness.
  • Energy Boost: Millet adds vitality and essential nutrients.
  • Kids' Growth: Nutrient-packed for healthy development.
  • Guilt-Free Indulgence: Enjoy irresistible taste without compromising on health.
  • Balanced Nutrition: A harmonious blend for your well-being.
    • Versatile Delight: Elevate your meals with a nutritious twist.
    • Mindful Choice: Make health-conscious eating a flavorful journey.
    • A product of RIPA Farsakani, Dist. Jashpur Chhattisgarh
    Buckwheat Pasta: Elevate Your Pasta Experience with Wholesome Goodness Discover a healthier and tastier way to enjoy pasta with our Buckwheat Varient. Crafted with care by Tribal Self-Help Group (SHG) Women of Jashpur District, this exceptional pasta blend is a testament to pure goodness and nutrition. ๐ŸŒพ Key Features: 30% Buckwheat, 70% Suji: Unlike traditional pasta, our Buckwheat Pasta is crafted from a blend of 30% Buckwheat and 70% Suji. We’ve left out the maida (refined wheat flour) to ensure that every bite is filled with wholesome nutrition. ๐ŸŒฑ Nutrient-Rich Goodness: Buckwheat: Renowned for its high protein content, low glycemic index, and support for heart and digestive health. Its a gluten-free grain that adds vitality and essential nutrients to your diet. ๐Ÿ’ช Health Benefits: 58% More Calcium: Strengthen your bones and support overall well-being. 25% More Fiber: Promote digestion and maintain a healthy gut. 350% More Iron: Boost energy levels and combat fatigue. 280% More Magnesium: Support muscle and nerve function. 50% Less Sugar: Enjoy a guilt-free indulgence. 13% Less Fat: Make a mindful choice for your health. โฑ Quick and Convenient: Our Buckwheat Macaroni takes 30% less cooking time, making your meals quicker and more convenient. ๐Ÿฝ Versatile Delight: Elevate your culinary creations with this versatile pasta. Replace regular pasta in your favorite recipes or explore new dishes that showcase the unique flavor of Buckwheat. ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ Perfect for the Whole Family: Packed with essential nutrients, Buckwheat Macaroni is ideal for children’s healthy growth and development. โœจ Mindful Eating, Flavorful Journey: With Buckwheat Macaroni, you can make health-conscious eating a delicious and flavorful experience. Upgrade your pasta choices and embark on a journey to better health with our Buckwheat Macaroni. It’s not just pasta; it’s a celebration of balanced nutrition and irresistible taste. Join us in the #BuckwheatPastaRevolution

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